


上外附中是首次接待VYLC项目的师生们,凭着丰富的接待国际学生的经验,在很短的时间内参与进来,圆满完成任务。在上外附中就读的维州学生分别来自Alkira Secondary School(艾克依拉中学),Box Hill High School(博士山中学)和Kurnai College(科耐中学)。上外附中的特色就是校园活动丰富,中国小伙伴语言水平高,中文课程特别有意思。下面我们将从校园生活、家庭访问日,外出游览等几个方面从维州学生的角度来共同分享他们的收获和喜悦。

校园生活(School Life)

中文课,文化课以及校园活动组成了丰富的校园生活。周一至周五维州学生的大部分时间在校园里度过,如何让他们感觉有意思,不无聊,上外附中的老师们用心良苦。好在上外附中国际部课程丰富,也很有特色。一起来听听来自Alkira Secondary School(艾克依拉中学)的Aurora如是说:

During our first 2 weeks at Shanghai Foreign Language School we were able to participate in many fun activities. One of those activities was constructing some of the many landmarks here in Shanghai out of lego, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai World Financial Centre etc. As well as learning about the structure of the building we also learnt some of the background and how they implemented some of the Chinese culture in the shapes, colours and structural style. This was a great, fun experience that really helped us understand more about Shanghai and Chinese culture and architecture.









小伙伴(Buddy)与家庭访问日(Family Visit)

与中国小伙伴结对,去小伙伴的家里做客一直以来是维州学生最喜爱的。有机会与同龄人交流,了解彼此的学习、生活和家庭,不仅对于维州学生,对于中国学生而言都充满好奇和乐趣。语言在他们之间不是问题,你会说点中文,我会说点英文,其他的就是心灵相通了。所以在这期间建立起来的友谊总能长久,因为我们在彼此国家又多了一个家。下面是来自Box Hill中学的Ari同学写下的一段感言:

On Saturday the VYLC students got picked up by their buddies and were taken around Shanghai doing various fun activities. What made it so amazing is that I felt like I had been adopted into another family. My buddy's mum referred me to her friends as '哥哥', which means 'older brother' in Mandarin. 

It was also a lot of fun to get out of the school and go and try new foods and meet my buddy's family. 

When we went to lunch I tried 'cow stomach' for the first time! I also learnt a lot about what it's like to be a student at a school in China. My buddy was telling me that he got a lot of homework! It was a fantastic experience and definitely a highlight of my stay in China.








除了课堂学习,校园活动,外出游览也是维州师生最兴奋的活动之一。可以走出校园,了解上海;接触社会,练习中文。来自Kurnai College(科耐中学)的Adam说:

The table tennis museum in China was very interesting – learning about all the Olympic winners of table tennis and the long history of ping pong, the origins of how ping pong was developed, how people used to play it and how it became a causal but also a competitive sport. The reason why they took us to the table tennis museum was because it’s one of the main Chinese sports that many people do as a hobby, sport and a competitive game.





下面是另一篇来自Kurnai College(科耐中学)Amec同学的感言:

Zhujiajiao Water Town is also known as the Venice of the orient. This place was beautiful, crowded but very peaceful. This is definitely a place to remember. It made us try weird but surprisingly good food, cultural activities and games. 

I personally loved it and I would want to go back there. We had so much fun. We laughed until we cried and even dressed up – this was one of the best highlights of Shanghai, if not the best.  We also went on a ride in a Chinese Gondola. 

It was a really nice and sunny day to do this and none of the teachers or students regretted the things that we made them do such as us five girls going and doing a photo shoot in traditional Chinese clothing. We also dragged the teachers into doing it and we know that they enjoyed that too. This trip so far has been amazing and I know there will be more places in our adventures in China.





